Crocheted crown raffled for charity

Crafty Vivienne McClenahan, who owns the Wook Pack in Moira, has put her crocheting skills to good use by creating a regal crown to mark the Platinum Jubilee.

Vivienne, who opened the wool shop in the heart of the village in 2018 after retiring from the Education Authority, spotted a pattern for the crown online and couldn’t resist trying it out for herself.

“I was inspired to try making the Crown when I saw the pattern online it looked like the perfect Jubilee challenge created by Laura,” explained Vivienne. “It’s certainly been a time consuming challenge with so many components to make and embellish.”

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Despite the challenges, Vivienne is proud of her creation and is raffling it off to raise money for a charity which is close to her heart - Knitted Knockers.

“I’ve decided to raffle it in support of Knitted Knockers a local charity that support breast cancer survivors,” continued Vivienne. “I’ve recently had a good customer visit me post op to buy some wool for a project to enjoy whilst she recovers, she touched my heart, a lovely stoic non complainer just getting on with her recovery. I felt this could be my small contribution to her recovery.”

Vivienne has been selling raffle tickets in the shop priced at £2 and she hopes it will take centre stage at someone’s Jubilee Party.

The last couple of years have been difficult for the Wool Pack, which is based on the Main Street opposite the Demesne and is open daily from 10am until 3pm with the exception of Tuesdays, as the shop felt the impact of Covid. However, Vivienne has appreciated the support of her loyal customers.

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