Last chance saloon for Banbridge

DEAR Editor,

The news last week that Tesco is planning to resubmit their proposals for a store at Bridgewater Park is one that has, I’m sure, provoked a lot of discussion among your readers.

One quote in the local press last week was that most of the local residents were against the Tesco proposal. As a local resident and one of the few who actually work and live in Banbridge, I have to say that the vast majority of people I speak to are in favour of this development and see it as a vital piece in the jigsaw bringing investment and development to our town and district.

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It should also be said that a large number of traders are in favour of this project, but do not wish their opinion to be made public for fear of being vilified and marginalised by the vocal minority.

Even a Facebook group site has been set up in support of this project with over 500 members and it is still growing.

It is difficult to see how the creation of jobs at a new Tesco store will result in a net loss of jobs. Will bringing more people to the area not increase the number of people visiting Banbridge town centre? I for one will continue to support the local traders if the service and products offered are of the standard I’ve come to expect from Banbridge shops.