Beach ban for dogs no longer sought by council

LARNE Council has backtracked on controversial plans to ban dogs from the borough’s beaches amid a flurry of public opposition.

New laws brought into effect earlier this year as part of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2011 provided local authorities across Northern Ireland with greater enforcement powers, and Larne Council intends to introduce a number of dog control orders across the borough.

The sweeping reforms include the introduction of fixed penalties for people who take dogs into children’s play parks and playing fields.

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The new laws will also give authorised officers the power to require that, when they deem it appropriate, dogs must be put on a lead.

Dogs will also be required to be on a lead at all times in graveyards.

Anyone who is detected committing an offence under the orders would receive a fine of £80, or a reduced amount of £50 if it is paid within a certain time.

The most contentious proposal, however, was that Ballygally, Carnlough, Browns Bay and Portmuck beaches would be off limits to dogs from 10am to 8pm from April to September each year.

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