Ladies make it three wins in a row

BALLYMENA Ladies continued their good start to the season with an excellent 82-66 win at Portstewart last Wednesday.

Jean Rainey, Kathleen Hoey, Pat Allen and Jennifer Dowds found themselves 3-2 down against R O’Neill after 3 ends, however the visitors took the game by the scruff of the neck over the next 8 ends when they scored 16 unanswered shots to lead by 18 shots to 3.

The Portstewart rink collected a single on the next end, but the Ballymena ladies won the next 4 ends, scoring 13 shots without reply which included a count of 7 shots on their way to a very comprehensive 31-7 victory.

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Jennie McCready, Marie Houston, Iris Millar and Barbara Cameron won the first 2 ends against T O’Neill, however it was the home rink who dominated the next 9 ends to lead by 15 shots to 5.

The remainder of the game was much more even, however the margin was still 10 shots at the conclusion of the game with the scoreboard reading 20 shots to 10 in favour of the Portstewart ladies.

The omens were not looking good for the Ballymena rink of Sile Garvey, Gladys Power, Dorothy McKee and Donna McCloy as the home rink skipped by P Metrustry opened up a 7 shot advantage after only 5 ends.

Four ends later however the Ballymena ladies had completely turned the game around to lead by 14 shots to 9 which included counts of 4 and 5 and in a strong finish it was the visitors who scored heavily to claim an excellent victory by 30 shots to 15.

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Linda McCullough, Peggy Pinkerton, Erin Smith and Sarah Jane Coleman did not make the best of starts against M Campbell winning only 2 of the first 11 ends to trail by 17 shots to 5. The Braid ladies steadied